Friday, January 20, 2012

Shop Online to Benefit the Volunteer Center of Cedar Valley!

There are some great websites online that offer the opportunity to shop at all sorts of different stores online and have the stores contribute to the Volunteer Center of Cedar Valley. Here are two options.

IGive: If you use the following link we'll get $10 for the VCCV just from you registering ($5 from me inviting you and $5 for you joining) and you can forward it along to your friends/family knowing that even if they register for a different nonprofit the VCCV will still get $5 and that's without even shopping.

Good Search: This is another similar website that allows you to shop all sorts of stores and even shows what percentage will be given to your nonprofit of choice before you buy. You can register the VCCV. It may take a couple days for them to be an option. There are even coupons on this site.

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